Clinical Practice
Patient care / consultation. Effective January 1, 2022. Dr. Craner has retired from clinical (patient care) practice and is not accepting new patients for clinical care or consultation, including IMEs. Consulting services are available through Verdi Technology, Inc.
Clinical diagnosis and treatment of suspected or established occupational or environmental disease (see Expertise & Interests) in individuals and similarly exposed groups (families, co-workers, etc.).
- Self-referral
- Physician or other medical provider
- Employer
- Insurer (including workers’ compensation)
- Third-party administrator
Independent Medical Evaluation / Records Review / Expert Evaluation / Second Opinion. These specialized services are available for selected cases, upon referral from:
- Self (for second opinion)
- Physician or other medical providers
- Employers
- Insurers (including workers’ compensation)
- Third-party administrators
- Independent medical evaluation contractors
- Government agencies
- Appeals or Hearings Officers (workers’ compensation)
- Attorneys (plaintiff and defense) and arbitrators
Services available in conjunction with the above clinical services:
Medical surveillance. For regulatory and internal company compliance programs administered by employers in hazardous industries.
- Surveillance examinations (Lead, Arsenic, Lithium, Mercury, Cadmium, Asbestos, HazMat, Silica, etc.)
- Biological monitoring (metals, solvents, kidney and blood function tests); on-site specimen collection
- Respirator medical clearance examinations, respirator fit tests
- Audiograms (hearing test), pulmonary function testing, chest radiographs
Diagnostic testing
- Spirometry (pulmonary function)
- Audiograms (hearing tests)
- Peak flow monitoring (for workup of occupational asthma)
- Laboratory / toxicology (metals, solvents, pesticides, carbon monoxide)
- Work and building re-entry and exposure challenge
Site visit. To assess hazards and exposure conditions.
- Workplace
- Residential
- Other exposure source (polluted site, public facility, vehicle, etc.)